Friday, August 7, 2015

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation - Movie Review

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation Review
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation is the 5th Mission Impossible Movie. This movie has a lot to live up to, considering the success of Mission Impossible 3 and 4. Mission Impossible 4 lacked a good villain that was convincing and brutal, like Philip Seymour Hoffman's performance in the third movie. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation has a good villain, which is... good. The quiet yet intimidating Sean Harris delivered his lines in a creepy almost Alan Rickman way, which I liked a lot.
The plot follows Tom Cruise trying to take down an anti-IMF, a terrorist group led by Sean Harris called the Syndicate. The story is pretty gripping at times, and the dialogue is delivered extremely well. That's not say that the dialogue is great at all times. There were a couple laughable one-liners, but other seemingly cheesy lines sounded fine when Tom Cruise said them. The supporting cast is great, and there are a couple funny moments with them. It's a shame, since you don't really get to see much of the supporting cast throughout the movie. Simon Pegg probably has the most screen time apart from Tom Cruise. Jeremy Renner is kind of at the sidelines, and is not really as interesting as he was in the 4th movie.
There is a lot of action though in this movie, and a LOT of intense moments that I loved the Mission Impossible series for. I won't spoil them, but there are moments that make you clutch the seat. There is a teeny bit of suspension of disbelief required in these moments, but Tom Cruise plays it off so well. There is a little bit of Character development, but not as much as I'd like. The first Mission Impossible had the most character development, since it didn't really have to worry about the supporting cast as much. The movie brings in some unneeded cast members, like the black guy from Mission Impossible 3. All he did was add a couple of extra seconds to the running time. Maybe if they cut down the cast then it would be a lot easier to focus on the characters people want to see.
The action in this movie is still great, with the occasional car chase and such. The cool thing about this is there are 4 movies like this one already, yet they still manage to shake it up and it still works! Some sub plots were unnecessary, but for every unnecessary sub plot there was a heart pounding intense action scene.
+ Great action and suspense                              - Supporting cast not all needed
+ Tom Cruise delivers dialogue well               - Not enough character development  

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